Embodied transformation

> 50 %

of women in tech leave the industry by the midpoint of their career

22 %

of tech roles are owned by women

70 %

of women feel they need to work harder and prove themselves because of their gender

Source: the McKinsey Study Women in tech: The best bet to solve Europe’s talent shortage published in January 2023

Work with the body to change the mind.

Tools & Strategies

Learn to advocate for yourself, make your work and value visible, get buy-in for next promotion, network, be proactive. Good work doesn’t just get rewarded.

Habits & Routines

We will look at your habits and routines and see which support you and which don't. We'll create new habits and routines to integrate all the learnings into your daily routine.

Communication & Confidence

Communication is power and key to making your work visible to others. You’ll learn 1) to communicate in a way that lets others see your potential and 2) strategies to feel more confident, so it becomes easier to speak up and ask for what you want.

Energy & Wellbeing

We will work with the body and the breath to release limiting beliefs, build confidence and release stress. These techniques bring you back into balance with your feminine energy.

Supporting women in AI through embodied transformation

Why and what does it mean?

Now what does embodied transformation have to do with all of this? Everything - we only really transform ourselves and our lives if we embody our new set of believes, goals, intentions, whatever it may be - only if we really feel that what we want is true, possible and right for us. Transformation does not happen in the head, it happens in the body and the whole nervous system. We need to actually feel it to believe it. Not just to convince ourselves but also to communicate it to the outer world, not just verbally but most importantly through our body language. And we all know words only account for 7 % of communication, 55 % is nonverbal and 38 % is vocal (University of Texas Permian Basin).

We start with the mind setting new goals, beliefs, intentions and then we work with the body to feel and embody this new truth. Not convinced yet that this is necessary? Think about imposter syndrome. Does the feeling of inadequacy and maybe even inferiority simply go away once you hear about the concept? It certainly did not for me. Only through the combination of looking at my track record of achievements and working with my body through breath, affirmation and sound did I really feel more confident and competent - also in situations where I used to get very nervous and be overwhelmed by imposter feelings.

Does this resonate with you? Do you want to actually get rid of your limiting beliefs and adopt positive ones about yourself?
You can work with me in 1/1 coaching sessions. I am also working on a 6-week mentoring program, if you are interested sign up here.

Let's get to know each other!

Contact me to see if I can support you in your journey in the tech industry.

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